Another Fantastic Weekend, News, TKR6 - Phillips, TKR, 2016-2017 (Oakville Rangers Hockey Club)

This Team is part of the 2016-2017 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Oct 20, 2016 | csarnecki | 493 views
Another Fantastic Weekend
The boys were back at it again on Saturday facing off against Team Ody. 

Jacen was between the pipes and came so close to a shut out! 

The defence were on fire challenging the red team at every turn on every shift.

The forwards were like fire flies lighting up the ice and keeping the puck deep in the red end of the rink capitalizing on a number of opportunities.

The team is looking amazing for the season.  Let's hope they can keep this up.  The smiles on their faces throughout the entire game were fantastic!

Go Bandits Go!

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