2019 London – Wendy Dufton Memorial Tournament – Bantam AAA Champions, News, Bantam AAA, 2019-2020, U14-U15 (Oakville Rangers Hockey Club)

This Team is part of the 2019-2020 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Oct 18, 2019 | Cassy Goulart | 1497 views
2019 London – Wendy Dufton Memorial Tournament – Bantam AAA Champions
The 2005 AAA Oakville Rangers continue to build momentum this season with a Championship win at the AAA Wendy Dufton Memorial tournament in London, Ontario this past Thanksgiving weekend.  

The Rangers – one of 74 top ranked Ontario and US teams attending the invitational tournament – proudly represented the SCTA (South Central Triple‐A) hockey league by going undefeated in the tournament with wins against the: Tri State Spartans 8-1, Ottawa 67’s 4-0, Toronto Red Wings 9-0, and Huron Perth Lakers 6-3 in Round Robin play. The Bantam Rangers would go on to defeat the Grey Bruce Highlanders 8-4 and Halton Hurricanes 6-1 in Quarters and Semis elimination rounds – clinching the club’s second tournament championship of the season with an overtime win against the York Simcoe Express 2-1 in the Finals. The 05 Rangers, with a 19‐1‐0 record, are currently the top ranked Major Bantam AAA team in Ontario.

The 2019 AAA Bantam Oakville Rangers team members include: Andrew Brown, Braeden Shaikh, Bronson Ride, Calum Ritchie, Conor Thacker, Jack Snelgrove, Jacob Crisp, Joshua Beaupre, Lucas DiGiantommaso, Luke Misa, Mason Zebeski, Matthew Buckley, Matthew Doma, Matthew Soto, Nick Lardis, Owen Outwater, Rory Browne, Sawyer Luik, Tristan Byrne

Rangers’ staff includes: Coach: Gord Hynes Assistants: Bryan Stewart, Glen MacDonald, Jaan Luik, Kris Halinen Trainers: Jeff Belgue Manager: Rina Atkinson 

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