Oakville Rangers 2024/25 Registration Information (Oakville Rangers Hockey Club)

Oakville Rangers 2024/25 Registration Information
Registration for the 2024/25 Season is currently : OPEN

Why Be a Ranger

The Oakville Rangers Hockey Club executes best in class development for our players at every level of the game, teaching our young players how be better athletes and, more importantly, better people. Minor Hockey offers many long-term physical and mental benefits to its players. Youth athletes who engage in sports not only experience the well-documented cardiovascular health benefits of being active but also benefit from the social and character-building experience of being part of a team. Moreover, hockey, whether competitive or recreational, allows for the development of fundamental life skills, such as leadership, time-management, sportsmanship and accountability, which are invaluable for youngsters as they develop their identities.

ORHC Programming is broken down into four levels: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, and Competitive. Please click here to see a synoposis of the ORHC Programming options available. Please note, all ORHC Programming is Non-Contact except for A, AA, and AAA Rep Hockey at U14 and older.

Click the button below to see 2024/25 Programming Options and Registration Details for that Division

2020 2019 2018 2017
2016 2015 2014 2013
2012 2011 2010 2009
2008 2007 2006

Friend Requests

Friend Requests are requests for players to be placed on the same team as one of their friends. In certain divisions the ORHC will do everything we can to accommodate these requests but there is absolutely no guarantee what so ever. It is important to understand that our first priority is creating teams that are fairly balanced and competitive, in an attempt to ensure that every player in the Association has a fair and equitable season. Priority is given to requests for siblings to be on the same team - there is no need to submit a Friend Request for brothers/sisters.

  • Absolutely NO Friend Requests will be accepted after August 1st
  • Only One (1) Friend Request per player can be submitted
  • The request must come from BOTH sides. For example, it is not enough for Johnny to submit a Friend Request to be on a team with Jenny - Jenny also has to submit a request to be on a team with Johnny.
  • Friend Requests must be submitted during Registration and will not be accepted retroactively
  • Advanced League and Rep Hockey are not eligible for Friend Requests

Friend Requests that do not meet the above criteria will not be accepted!

Which Program is right for you?

Do you have questions or need assistance choosing which program is right for you? Please don't hesitate to reach out! We can be reached by phone at (905) 338-9220, via email at [email protected], or in person at our office, located at 3070 Neyagawa Blvd in the Sixteen Mile Sports Complex, on the lower level across from Rink One.

Age Reference Chart

Beginner Programming
The Accelerate Program and Future Prospects Program
These programs are designed for players that are new to hockey, or inexperienced. The programs focus on learning the fundamentals and core hockey skills such as skating, passing and stick handling. The players registered in this program will benefit from starting with an emphasis on skill development and then a gradual progression to gameplay. As the season progresses and their skills grow and develop, interested players will have opportunities to "graduate" into the Recreational House League program.

Recreational / Intermediate Programming
Jr Rangers and Rangers House League
The players in this program generally enjoy hockey, but it is not necessarily their central focus and they enjoy participating in other sports/activities. They are looking for the "traditional" House League experience with one practice and one game per week. The emphasis in this program is on fun. Teams are mixed (instead of being tiered by skill level), and requests to be on the same team as your friends are accepted. These teams will compete against other Recreational House League teams in Oakville, and typically most teams will attend a tournament as well.

Advanced Programming
ORHC Prep Academy and Rangers Advanced League
The Advanced League program incorporates aspects of both House League and Competitive Rep hockey, with Regional Based play (home and away games) in then Mississauga Hockey League, premium jerseys, and more games - roughly 33% more ice time than the House League program. These players in this program generally have Rep hockey aspirations. Or, they may not be ready for the full-time commitment of Rep hockey but still want to be challenged and play in a more competitive environment. This program is intended for players of a higher level of skill relative to House League.

Competitive Programming
Rep Rangers Hockey
The competitive side of hockey, the ORHC is a proud, elite AAA Center offering teams at the AAA, AA, A, and B/BB levels. Please Note, at U14 and older the A, AA, and AAA Programs are Full-Contact. ONLY REGISTER FOR A REP PROGRAM IF YOU HAVE ATTENDED REP TRYOUTS AND HAVE BEEN PRESENTED WITH AN OFFER OF COMMITMENT.