2024 Oakville Rangers Tryouts General Information
2024 ORHC Tryouts
| Tryout Portal
| Tryout Schedule
| Rep Coaches Contact Info
| Pre-Tryout Prep Skates
| Body Contact Clinics
| Permission to Skate, Waivers, and Releases
| ORHC Prep Academy
| Frequently Asked Questions
The Tryout Registration Fee for the 2024 Spring Tryouts is $75.00. Registration is completed online at https://tryouts.oakvillerangers.ca. If you are a returning user enter your username and password to login. If you have not attended a Tryout in Oakville previously you will first need to create an account. Once logged in, on the left-hand side, click on Apply for 2024/25 Tryouts and follow the steps to fill out the form. Note: your Tryout Registration is not complete until you have submitted payment. Once you have completed your registration, the Tryout Portal will also allow you to monitor the status of your Tryout, review the Tryout schedule, make changes to your Tryout Registration, and more.
Use the button below to register for Tryouts. If you would like to register for the upcoming 2024/25 Season please visit https://oakvillerangers.ca/Register/
In advance of Tryouts, the ORHC offers a series of Prep Skates. These optional skates give players an opportunity to hit the ice and have some fun while they get one more dev session in before diving into their Tryout! Participation is optional and there will are NO EVALUATIONS conducted during these sessions. Each session is 50-minutes long, at a cost of $30, and is run by professional instructors. Please visit https://oakvillerangers.ca/Pages/28187/Pre-Tryout_Prep_Skates/ for more information and to register.
Many of the ORHC AA and A Programs consist of two teams - a Red Team and a Blue Team. Players do not register specifically for the "Red" or "Blue" team, they register to Tryout for the Division. For example, they are not able to specifically register for "U15 A Red" or "U15 A Blue", they are registering for "U15 A". At the Tryout, they will first be trying out for the Red team. If they are not selected for the Red team they will then be automatically enrolled for the Blue Tryout at no additional cost.
Players are not permitted to bypass the Red Tryout and only try out for the Blue team. If a player choses not to attend the majority of the “Red” Tryout Sessions (typically, the first three days) they will not be eligible to be selected by the Blue team, nor will they be an eligible AP for the Blue team in the upcoming season. For example, the A Tryouts typically consist of five skates. The first three are generally for selecting the Red team, and the last two to finalize the Blue team. If a player elected to skip two or more of the A Red Tryout skates the A Blue team would not be allowed to select that player. If that player moves on and is selected to the B/BB Team, they will not be an eligible AP for A Blue in the upcoming season.

The ORHC Prep Academy offers competeive programming for players in U7 (born 2018 and 2019), U8 (born 2017), and U9 (2016). The Academy delivers a best-in-class hockey development opportunity for U7, U8 and U9 participants and prepares these players for Oakville Rangers Rep Hockey from U10 to U18. Prep Academy players will receive:
- Professional development in addition to coach-run practices
- Competitively tiered and balanced teams to ensure a fun and competitive environment
- Participation in the Tri-County Hockey League (minimal travel required)
- Season wrap-up Gala weekends hosted by TCMHA centres
- Exhibition games and the ability to participate in other jamborees/tournaments
- And more...!
The ORHC Prep Academy offers an elite experience focused on player development. This includes building technical skills, tactical understanding, physical fitness and mental acuity. There is no better hockey development available that combines the best of home-town hockey, tiered competition, professional development, and fun with friends. This is a Hockey Canada-sanctioned and Hockey Canada Pathway-approved environment, aimed at preparing players for Oakville Rangers Rep Hockey beginning at U10.
Teams will be assembled in the Fall. All players registered for the Jr. Rangers Program will have the opportunity to be evaluated for the Prep Academy in September, if they are interested. You muse be registered for the Jr Rangers Program to attend the Prep Academy Evaluations in September! We are targeting 3 teams at U9, 2 teams at U8 and 1 team at U7. For now, all you need to do is register for the Oakville Rangers at https://oakvillerangers.ca/Register/. Details regarding the evaluations will be sent out to the Jr Rangers registrants in mid-to-late August. Stay tuned for more details and Register today!
Many of the Tryouts may include one or more "Split Sessions". A Split Session is when a single Tryout Session is split into two individual skates. For example, there could be a Split Session on the Monday at 7:00pm and 8:00pm. This is a single Tryout day, but half of the participants would go to the 7pm skate and the other half to the 8pm skate - you will only attend ONE of the skates. In the event of a Split Session you will receive an email from the coach either the evening prior or the morning of the Split Session to inform you which of the two skates you are to attend. If you have not received an email from the coach by the morning of the Tryout, please contact the coach directly for assistance. Contact Information can be found on the 2024/25 Rep Coaches & Key Contacts page at https://oakvillerangers.ca/Pages/33641/2024_25_Rep_Rangers_Coaches_and_Key_Contacts/.
If you need to make any changes to your application (for example, if you registered for the AA Tryouts, changed you mind, and want to change it to A) or if you would like to withdraw from the Tryouts and request a refund, please log into the Tryout Portal and click on Tryouts I Registered For. To the right of each of your Applications is a black Edit button and Refund button. These options will be available until the Tryout Registration for that team closes, 24 hours prior to the first session. NO REFUNDS WILL BE PROVIDED AFTER THE TRYOUT HAS BEGUN!.
All U14 players (born in 2011) as well as any U15 (born 2010) and older who have never attended a Body Contact Clinic are required to attend a Body Contact Clinic before attending a Rep Rangers Tryout. You will not be allowed to try out if you have not completed the clinic. Goalies do not have to attend these clinics. Please click here for more information.
The 2024/25 Rep Rangers Coaches and Key Contacts can be found at https://oakvillerangers.ca/Pages/33641/2024_25_Rep_Rangers_Coaches_and_Key_Contacts/.
The 2024 ORHC Tryout Schedule is available at https://tryouts.oakvillerangers.ca/schedule/.
If you are not able to attend a Tryout due to injury, illness, or schedule conflict please inform the coach directly.
OHF and OMHA Regulations require that players in U13 and younger Tryout in their home center before attending a Tryout in other centers. If you are a 2012 or younger and not an Oakville Resident you will require a release from your Home Center before attending our Tryouts. If you do require any additional paperwork to attend Tryouts, please note it is your responsibility to be aware of the requirement and to provide the required paperwork at the sign-in desk at the first Tryout. If you make the team but failed to provide the correct forms it could interfere with your eligibility to register for the team. For more information on PTS and Waivers please visit https://oakvillerangers.ca/Pages/25147/PTS_Release_and_Waiver_Information/.
If you are an Oakville Resident and you are looking for a release to Tryout at U13 or younger in another center (such as the GTHL) you will be required to attend the Oakville Rangers Tryout first. If you do not attend the ORHC Tryouts and/or you are offered a spot on the Oakville Rangers team you will not be eligible for a release in that division. If you are cut from the Tryout you will then have the option to request your release paperwork in the Tryout Portal on the Tryouts I Registered For menu. For more information, please visit https://oakvillerangers.ca/Pages/14963/PTS_Release_and_Waiver_Information/.
The ORHC strongly believes in keeping Oakville kids playing hockey in Oakville. In support of this belief, the ORHC maintains a policy that Imports and Non-Residents will not be accepted on Rep Teams in AA or lower. While the rare exception to this policy has been made in the past for extenuating circumstances, those exceptions are few and far between. To help enforce this policy, if you are not a resident of Oakville and you are applying for a AA or lower Tryout, the Tryout Portal will not allow you to pay and complete your application until the coach has approved it. If you feel you have an extenuating circumstance that would warrant an approval, please reach out to the Coach to discuss. The coaches and their contact information is listed at https://oakvillerangers.ca/Pages/33641/2024_25_Rep_Rangers_Coaches_and_Key_Contacts/.